I splurged and bought two galaxy printed items of designer clothing the other week from the lovely Black Milk Clothing (with the generous help of my co-conspirator flatmate). While I’m patiently waiting for them to arrive, some colleagues and I couldn’t help but think about possibilities of extending this further: what about layers of astronomy themed clothing each featuring the same image taken in a different wavelength? We could do e.g. undergarments in infrared, T-shirts and leggings in visible, sweaters in X-ray, and winter coats in gamma ray. Interested seamsters and seamstresses or people with an idea how to print high-resolution images on fabric, please contact me!

Multiple Wavelength Milky Way
An interesting new concept for fashion, i like mixed with black styling Jen xoxo http://mystylisticlife.wordpress.com
Video? Temperature sensitive?
This is such a well-produced and beautiful video. I’m so excited for how cool astronomy can be with mobile devices!
Have you seen Kenny Jensen’s distributed cosmic ray tracking android app? http://www.distobs.org/ flaunt the black tape 🙂