Galaxy clothing

I splurged and bought two galaxy printed items of designer clothing the other week from the lovely Some colleagues and I couldn’t help but think about possibilities of extending this further: what about layers of astronomy themed clothing each featuring the same image taken in a different wavelength? Interested seamsters and seamstresses or people with an idea how to print high resolution images on fabric, please contact me! Read More …

SSL and packet sniffing with Wireshark.

SSL stands for the secured socket layer and it is the way many websites handle encrypting your data as you communicate to them and helping you to verify that they are who you think they are, making it more difficult for others to view your traffic. As simple as using SSL is, many services don’t use it. What happens then? Well if an eavesdropper, let’s call her Eve, is somewhere on the same network as you are, for example if you are at a coffee house and she is sitting a few tables down from you, she can run any number of freely available tools (or one she wrote herself) to observe your network traffic. Sounds like a rather far fetched scenario, if you aren’t familiar with how easy it is to be Eve(il) if you so choose. Read More …

Fault tolerant computing

As a first step to writing my own simulation code while attempting to do something useful, a few days ago I started writing a code to explore failure and recovery from failure in a distributed computation. By failure in this case, I mean when one of the computation units goes down. My test system is N harmonic oscillators on N nodes (or processes on a shared memory machine). Read More …

The Intersection of Productivity and Joy (over the past months)

Since last we spoke a couple of months ago, I had a hell of a time personally: I moved house, went from one location to another too often, had a major and very stressful financial crisis and had some rough times with friends which rocked the emotional boat. Although there are many things which didn’t Read More …

Kliq Soft Launch

Kliq soft launched this weekend. You can schedule a meetup (dinner, drinks, you name it) in just a few thumb taps with your local facebook friends or be adventurous and be introduced to a friend of a friend. This is just a taste of what’s to come. Get Kliq on the iPhone App Store at or visit Read More …

Introducing phygg

My Sunday afternoon recover-from-jetlag hack was creating Phygg is designed to help sort through physics papers and discussion topics related to in the style of, initially focusing on astrophysics. I’m going to be using phygg to track papers I find interesting, so feel free to follow the rss feed. In addition, I’m hoping to convince a few of my astrophysicist colleagues to join in on the posting and voting, so stay tuned. Read More …